Not Ok.

You do know it’s ok? But I’m not ok. That’s ok too. Sometimes the days are too long and we have trouble filling them with things that fill us. If you are not ok (and that’s totally fine – I’ve been there.) please reach out for help. The holidays are a difficult time of yearContinue reading “Not Ok.”

Mental Health Help

Oh, friends! It has been such a time for us! I’m so sorry that my blogging has taken such a back seat to my life, but, as you will learn, this is sometimes necessary. Last night I learned that Child #3 had relapsed big-time into a former, concerning behavior. He slashed the heck out ofContinue reading “Mental Health Help”

Will Anything Help?

Back a couple of years ago, when my world with Child #3 was imploding, I was told by an HHS worker that nothing was going to change for them. This child would always be handicapped and basically, that I better get over having any hope for anything else. I was devastated. The thing was, andContinue reading “Will Anything Help?”

Mental Health Update!

This week is child #3’s Spring break. We started out on Friday with a good day. Yesterday she went with a friend and hung out. Everything was going well…until today. I tried to give her a treat by letting her stay up last night until 10 p.m. to watch “The Dick Van Dyke Show.” Yes,Continue reading “Mental Health Update!”