Not Ok.

You do know it’s ok? But I’m not ok. That’s ok too. Sometimes the days are too long and we have trouble filling them with things that fill us. If you are not ok (and that’s totally fine – I’ve been there.) please reach out for help. The holidays are a difficult time of yearContinue reading “Not Ok.”

Letting Go of Hate

As most of you know, I have an abusive ex-husband.  I struggle daily with forgiveness and love for this individual.  In my opinion, he doesn’t deserve it.  Pure and simple.  If it had just been his horrible treatment of me, maybe I could let it go.  It wasn’t.  He hurt our children.  Not one orContinue reading “Letting Go of Hate”

Sharing Saturday…Delayed

First, let me apologize for this taking so very long. All I can say is that I fell and bruised some ribs on Saturday (ouch, carpet over concrete floor!) and have not been the same since. I went to Urgent Care today to confirm that nothing was broken because, honestly, I could hear things movingContinue reading “Sharing Saturday…Delayed”

Weight Loss Share: 8:30 pm CT Tonight!!!

I posted about this about a week ago and said I’d let you guys know when I had all the info. Well…here it is! There will be a Zoom meeting and here is the link Zoom: Meeting ID: 399 496 2823 Passcode: Wellness

Sharing Saturday: Summer Bugs

No one wants fleas, so I decided to look up what was a good preventative for the summer travel season. My resource suggested YL Pine essential oil.  I put a few drops in with my Thieves cleaner and sprayed my car (Hector) on the chance that while traveling we could pick up some yucky bugs!Continue reading “Sharing Saturday: Summer Bugs”

It Sucks to be Sick

It sucks to be sick, Here on the couch Sniffling, sneezing Like a tossed away pouch. My head gets to aching And I feel as I’m breaking Spinning, spinning the room goes round Who put me on this merry-go-round? It could be much worse I could be out in the cold Suffering suffering Surrounded byContinue reading “It Sucks to be Sick”

Sharing Saturday: Ginger Vitality

Recently, we have discovered Young Living’s ginger vitality essential oil. I like a little ginger in my stir fry or chop suey. I never really thought of it as an essential oil. Well, maybe as a scent to be diffused. However, since Child #2 suffers terribly from gas issues among other tummy issues, she startedContinue reading “Sharing Saturday: Ginger Vitality”

A Trauma Journal

I was recently intrigued by the thought of a trauma journal. It’s not that I haven’t heard of journaling for years and years, but this struck a different chord. It was a drawing journal. Ooh! Drawing! I love to draw. Ok, maybe I’m not professional at it, but I do love to draw, and evenContinue reading “A Trauma Journal”