A “Normal” Thursday

I will preface this by saying that none of our days are “normal!” First, you must realize that my baseline is major stress and anxiety. Second, with the twins soon to be turning 18 and the freedoms that come with that age, I’m even more stressed! Oh, and we’re moving! Yeah…do you see now? So,Continue reading “A “Normal” Thursday”

A Mental Health Update for me!  For Me!  A Mental Health Update for You! For You!

Sorry.  I just had this run through my head to the tune of Disney’s “Alice in Wonderland” song “A Very Happy Unbirthday!” Strange where my mind will take us! 😜 So…I’ve been struggling a lot with anxiety lately.  To the point where it almost crippled me.  I know in my heart that God is goodContinue reading “A Mental Health Update for me!  For Me!  A Mental Health Update for You! For You!”

A Future Sad Parting

As many of you know, I was able to secure a job at my beloved homeless shelter through a state-funded program. I am loving it there. I organize, answer phones, organize, sort donations, organize, help people, organize, lighten the manager’s load, organize, etc. I love being able to dig my heels in and help out.Continue reading “A Future Sad Parting”

I Just Lost My Mind…and Spring!

Ok, so it’s Friday. I know. I know. I can’t believe I forgot to post yesterday! Head thunk (or what they call these days face palm. I like head thunk better!) Sooooo…what do you want to talk about? I, myself, have been struggling with a negative person in my life. He completely drains my energyContinue reading “I Just Lost My Mind…and Spring!”