Do You Ever Have One of those Banana Bread Days?

So, for those of you who don’t know….I love to bake.  Yeah.  Ever wonder why my blog is called GF Recipes and Writings?  First, because I love to bake (and cook, if I’m being totally honest!) and also because I love to write and have yet to run out of things to say!  Big mouth,Continue reading “Do You Ever Have One of those Banana Bread Days?”

Healthy Eating: The Green Stuff

Have I turned into the big green guy that fights bad guys?  Nope.  Not at all.  Ok, well, maybe I’ve been seriously annoyed, even angry this week, but I certainly didn’t go tearing around destroying things!  I’m talking about spinach.  That green stuff!  That super-vitamin-packed healthy powerhouse!  I bought a tub of it (organic ifContinue reading “Healthy Eating: The Green Stuff”

Oh, I Can Have This? Refined Sugar Free BBQ Sauce

Hello, faithful readers!  I meant to have a post for you yesterday, but life got in the way, as it tends to do, and I failed to post.  So, now you’re in a for a real treat!  We have started eating our main meal at lunchtime these days (and we have yet to settle onContinue reading “Oh, I Can Have This? Refined Sugar Free BBQ Sauce”

Crockpot Mexican Pork Tacos Mishap and Not Finding Pedro

The other day I was trying to make pork street tacos in my crockpot. I thought this would be an awesome dinner to have pretty much done when I got home. I started with my Mexican street taco base of about three tablespoons of your choice of oil (I used avocado) in the bottom ofContinue reading “Crockpot Mexican Pork Tacos Mishap and Not Finding Pedro”

How Goes the Journey and a Chicken Recipe

At the beginning of June I decided to cut out all refined sugar.  How is it going?  Well…I feel pretty darn amazing!  I’ve lost some weight, though that wasn’t really the reason I did it (though awesome “side effect!!!”) I wanted to not feel like I was slogging through molasses.  I was tired of beingContinue reading “How Goes the Journey and a Chicken Recipe”

All-In Pico de Gallo

Our family loves pico de gallo! What is that? Well, for the uninitiated, it’s a type of fresh salsa. It’s delicious! Only trouble is that it’s expensive. Especially when you have four people who absolutely love it eating it out of the tiny containers that are sometimes clearanced at our local Woodman’s for 99¢! TheContinue reading “All-In Pico de Gallo”

The Remains of the Freezer Recipe – Beef Stew

Hello, my beautiful followers! Thank you for taking this journey with me. I haven’t posted a recipe in a while, and thought I’d share what’s been going on in our little piece of the world! I have discovered that I do not like to run low on food…like ever. This led to stockpiles of ingredientsContinue reading “The Remains of the Freezer Recipe – Beef Stew”

Sharing Saturday: Yummy Pie!

Got your attention, didn’t I? Well, pie is yummy! No doubt about it! But what does that have to do with Young Living and their awesome products? Read on, dear friends! Read on! The other day we had a small catastrophe. Child #4 accidentally let the pre-made gluten-free graham cracker style pie crusts slide offContinue reading “Sharing Saturday: Yummy Pie!”

Whathe Chicken Tortilla Soup?

So, Child #4 is sick.  Child #3 is also sick.  Child #2 is trying desperately trying to not catch this cold, as am I. Solution?  Chicken soup!  However, I do not like chicken soup!  This is a personal issue.  I believe it comes from growing up with my dad who absolutely detested anything fowl. YouContinue reading “Whathe Chicken Tortilla Soup?”