Watching Myself

Photo by Mariana Montrazi on

Lately I have been watching myself as far as food consumption and content goes. My body and I have a complicated relationship. While I love all the things for which my body is capable, I am less fond of the few extra curves it sports as a result of some of the amazing things it has accomplished (like carrying twins and childbirth!)

So here I am again, watching consumption and content. 😔. It’s not that bad, really. In fact, sometimes I even forget that I’m watching. Especially when I’m goofing off with the kiddos or reading a really good book.

I try not to let my body and any discomfort I feel about it take over my life. God gave me this body, and I think it has done some pretty awesome things. It will carry me into the future.

I will chose my battles wisely. I will fight the urge to be hard on myself and my body. I will love me, just as God does.

Published by Rita

I am a single mother, a Christian, a writer, an abuse survivor, a reader, and a friend. I've wanted to be a writer my entire life and now here I am!

4 thoughts on “Watching Myself

    1. Thank you! I’m proud of what my body has accomplished thus far…four children (including twins!) and healing after many broken bones! It carries me everyday! I am beautiful because I am His and He loves me whether I’m tall and slim, short and round, or somewhere in between.

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